We have been keeping busy these last couple weeks. Last Monday we hosted the first ever environmental regional workshop- for the most part it was a success…I won’t get into how our supervisor somehow managed to squeak his way out of it because that would take me an entire blog entry to write! We have some new goals which are related to agriculture! We’re both really excited about this since we are working for RADA and a lot of the stuff we’ve been doing relates directly to farmers and agriculture.
We went to Mandeville to celebrate World Food Day- the food we were displaying was pumpkin, anything and everything made from pumpkin….sauce, chutney, jam, steamed pumpkin leaves, pudding, and the list goes on. I had no idea you could make all these things from pumpkin! While there Dr. the honorable Chris Tufton (the Minister of Agriculture) chatted with both Will and I- we haven’t seen him since being sworn in as PCV’s. St. Elizabeth is his parish and he has some projects that he thinks we can both work on.
<---- Yeah that's an iced Cappucino!
This weekend we are going to Kingston for quarterlies. I applied to be on the SPA committee and was selected to be a member. I’m really excited I will have this opportunity especially since Jamaica is known for their SPA program. We’ll be attending meetings and hopefully get in some yummy coffee and American food! We’ll also cast our votes for the presidential election! I’m not going to elaborate on who we’re voting for and politics. My grandma always told me there are two things you should not discuss- politics and religion, therefore I will just say that we’re doing our American duty and voting for a presidential candidate!
<--- I ♥ my chacos!
P.S. I forgot to mention that mosquitos suck! They have reached an all time low! I was bit on the rear end by one! Does anyone have any idea how bad that sucks?? While riding the bus, sitting at work, or chatting with your supervisor and your butt itches so bad you can't concentrate on anything but that!
This is a typical Saturday- Handwashing Laundry
and praying that it doesn't rain :)
This is just a test to see if the Blog comments is working now.Guess if the internet is working dosn't mean comments is going to work.
Wow it is working. Was glad to see a new update on your Blog and all the new pictures are really cool. Wehn you were telling me about your trip to the Falls I didn't picture them as pretty as they really are. Love to here about all the new experiences you two encure while over there. The pictures of the flowers are gorgous. Like you with your iced Cappucino you look so happy, must be all the pretty scenery and all that shrimp you ate. Must say that there is some beautiful places that all the tourists hang out. You two needed a change and some time to enjoy. Hope you enjoy your Spa Committee sounds like it is just the thing for you. As far as your mosquitos
I can't help you there but if I hear of any secret to getting rid of them will let you know. Enjoy your trip to Kingston and be safe. Miss and love both of you. Comunications to you over there seem to be a hit and miss. Keep the updates comming.
Love you
Hey latah 4-H now has a blog!
i never thought about the laundry--what a simple little challenge. you two are incredible people and i am so glad for who the peace corps is bringing out in each of you.
we love you both so much and are working on finding work so we can fund a trip to the islands!
-brandon & linds
p.s. i don't know if you can change this, but every time we come to your blog the music thing opens up and covers your post. i can't figure out how to close it, but it always hides what i want to see. thought you would want to know.
also, this is strange, but rubbing liquid hand soap (sans water) onto mossie bites until the soap turns white takes the itch out of it.
I love all of the new pictures that you have posted. Everything looks so beautiful and green. Yes the leaves are changing but so is the weather. One day is in the 50's or lower and the next it is darn near 70. I will tell you a secret that my sister Grace swears by for mosquito repellant. Lavender lotion! She says that everytime that they went camping or in the summer time when the bugs are out if she put on the lavender lotion the mosquitos left her alone. I will by you some and send it with the package that we are planning to send soon, or when we think that we have everything we want to send you at least for the time being. I know as soon as we send it we will think of something else that we should have sent but oh well. You two look great, all though I would have thought that you would have a nice golden tan by now. Just remember that everyone here at home misses you and loves you and we can't wait until you come home. xoxoxo
oh will and andrea--our little island friends! thanks for commenting on our blog. we found a great (tiny) house that is just right for us and WAY more light than our family housing apartment/cave. the woodstove makes it very cozy, but also requires me to dust every other day. however, it is cheap and cheap is critical for us.
brandon got a job at mt. bachelor as a lift operator and starts in two weeks. i have yet to have anything pan out, so i am a wreck. i just want a job and i am not sure what i am doing wrong. there is probably some huge typo on my resume that i overlooked.
anyhow, we are scheduled to go to costa rica in march, but with brandon's work and harvey we may have to push it back to early may.
keep in touch and know we miss you so much!
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