This was the headline in the Observer- a Jamaican Newspaper! I just have to post this because in the midst of a global crisis this is what makes headlines! The article talks about prostitutes having to lower their prices because people can't afford to pay what they were previously charging...why you might ask...well the world is in a crisis. I might be the only one who finds this funny (not the fact that the world is in a crisis but the fact that prostitutes make the front page of a newspaper claiming they have to lower prices to make a living) so please forgive me if you don't find the humor in it!-- A little side note- Prostitution is ILLEGAL in Jamaica ;)
Our office still doesn't have power...tomorrow marks two weeks! When they say things move slow in the Caribbean it's not a joke! They get to it when they get to it! That leaves Will and I going to four hour meetings-- yes I said it- 4 HOUR MEETINGS!!! Don't ask me why because I can't truly explain the rationale behind it. Am I integrated...well yes I would like to think so however there are some things I still don't understand and probably never will!A short and sweet post- headed to Kingston tomorrow! Pizza Hut is calling our names....and some meetings too! Love you ALL!
love your new photo with the news paper i can just visualize you when you first read the headlines pretty funny. Guess it just go's to show how bad things are if the illegal's are even feeling the crunch. You know how to brighten my day with your humor. Maybe you will have power at work when you return from Kingston. We all Love and miss you both keep safe.
Love you
I told Jake about the rat story and laughed so hard. I too can picture you freaking our about the the newspaper headlines!
You are super cute in that pic... thats all for now...
those silly jamaaicans. you look great btw! matt is growing like a weed. I need to take pics of him, I've been bad about that lately. miss you guys!
Thinking of You and Will Always close to our hearts, Yummy Pizza Hut..Well talk to you later, keep safe.. Love Ya Aunt Tracie Thats kinda interesting??? And its Illegal there too? Wait......its illegal here isnt it? Whatever but wow. Thats funny. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
Lova ya
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