Friday, July 4, 2008

Welkom Gruup 79

This is your first lesson in Patwa- the official language in Jamaica!

I just wanted everyone to know that we arrived. It's freaking HOT! It's hot at night and we're sweating, sweating, and did I mention we're sweating! Yesterday we took our first cold showers here! I actually showered with a lizard that came climbing up out of the drain! Look at me go- I'm trying new foods- even eating peas! The fruit is delicious and very different-

The rumors are true- the Mangos are AMAZING! I'm loosing battery power however please know that I will post some more soon.

Love to Everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhh lizards, that is awful, but I am a sissy. I would be packing a knife to the shower from then on. Love ya lots. Sending you all my prayers and happy thoughts. ~ MSK